Egyptian Vulture Research


Igdir was trapped in Igdir Province (and named in honor of!) of Eastern Turkey in mid-August. After being set up with a GPS transmitter and released back into the wild, we began receiving location hits on August 25.


October 1-10

Igdir continued southward migration, crossing without delay over the Straigh of Bab-al-Mandeb from the Arabian Peninsula to the Horn of Africa:

Igdir quickly passed through Djibouti and into Ethiopia. This is very exciting to have one of the vultures cross into Africa and to be in Ethiopia-- a country where our lab has research plans. The bird seems to have settled in the SE portion of the country, near the Somali boarder. It will be interesting to see if Igdir stays in this local, or if the bird will migrate further before settling into its wintering grounds.


September 28- October 1
Igdir continued southward migration, ending up within 30km of where Aras is located on the SE corner of the Arabian Peninsula in Yemen.


September 25-28
Igdir continued migration, crossing over much of the Arabian Peninsula in this 3 day period. Igdir took a more inland route than Aras, but eventually ended up along the coast of the Red Sea in southern Saudi Arabia on 9/28. Igdir covered an impressive total of over 1,000 linear km in this 3 day time-period.


September 13-25
On September 20, Igdir began migration in earnest heading SSW through southern Turkey. Over the next 4 days Igdir crossed through portions of Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and into Saudi Arabia for a total of over 1,100 linear km.


August 25- September 13
Igdir remained in the area where trapped during this time period, taking relatively short flights into the surrounding countryside.


Other Vulture Updates:



