Egyptian Vulture Research


Arpacay was trapped in Igdir Province of Eastern Turkey in mid-August. After being set up with a GPS transmitter and released back into the wild, we began receiving location hits on August 23.


September 10- 28
Arpacay frequented an area near Ahar, Iran from 9/10 to 9/16, then began heading south, crossing into Iraq by 9/18. Arpacay again settled in an area near Sulaymaniyah, Iraq for approximately one week. On 9/24 Arpacay continued migration through Iraq.  At last report, the bird was near the city of Najaf in south-central Iraq. Arpacay has traveled 1,347 total km since being tagged.


August 29- September 10
For much of this time period, Arpacay frequented an area in the extreme SW corner of Azerbaijan. However, by 9/10 Arpacay had flown a good distance east into northern Iran.


August 23-29
Arpacay left Turkey almost immediately after being released, heading SE and crossing through portions of Azerbaijan and Iran, covering over 490 km in this time period.


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